Thursday, November 4, 2010

HIMYM Episode Reviews: Season 2 Episode 4: Ted Mosby, Architect

Ted and Robin have their first fight after Robin gets tired of listening to Ted's boring work stories and also says Field of Dreams is boring. Barney tells Ted that his being an architect is a turn on for women, and Ted realizes this is right when he talks to a girl at a bar.

Robin goes to the bar to apologize only to hear that "Ted Mosby, the Architect" has caused quite a scene. She jealously follows "Ted's" trail to a party and then to a club, and finally to a girl's apartment, only to find out that "Ted" is really Barney.

Robin realizes she needs to put more work into her relationship, and goes to find Ted working. The two make up and Ted shows her the alternative plans he's made for a building that his boss has designed to look like a giant penis. Robin is the first person to see Ted's plans, and Future Ted reveals that his plans are used to build the skyscraper in Spokane.

This building in Spokane is mentioned for the first time in this episode. It will play an important part in Ted's life for the rest of the season. Throughout the episode, we see "Ted Mosby" as Ted, only to later retroactively learn this is Barney. This is a clever device, although unfortunately Ted/Robin fans have inferred that this device explains how "Robin" isn't really Robin, even though that doesn't make any sense. Ted/Robin fans as always are quite apt to believe any crazy theory to support their beloved relationship. This episode is a good one for Ted/Robin fans though, as despite having their first fight, Robin develops a lot in this episode. I feel like the theme of this season is both Ted and Robin growing through their relationship. Ted becomes more pragmatic, while Robin as seen here becomes better at being in a couple. At the lawyer party we get to meet Brad, Marshall's lawyer friend who will appear sporadically throughout the rest of the series. Finally the girl Barney hooks up with as Ted will make a comeback later...

A really good episode here to get Season 2 moving. Robin and Ted's fight was pretty funny, and I loved the guys and girls having different reactions to it. It's cute to see Ted and Robin together, and dealing with their relationship. The writers know that this is the season for them to be together, so they decided to make their story fun to watch, and it is. I love the lawyer party, and am glad to see Brad. HIMYM's recurring characters are awesome and they make the show more enjoyable to long time fans. I also like seeing Lily regret not being with Marshall, those two should get back together soon...My favorite part of the episode was the note Barney left for the girl. Dear Resident...that was awesome.

8.5 out of 10.

Season Comparison: Season 1 vs 2: "The Return of the Shirt" vs "Ted Mosby, Architect"
Well this is an awesome matchup for Season 2. In The Return of the Shirt we got an episode that while good for normal television, was mediocre for HIMYM. Ted Mosby, Architect on the other hand was an awesome episode. It was funnier, and used some tricky story telling techniques. It also told a more compelling relationship story. The audience cares about Ted and Robin, while Ted and Natalie was just a one episode throwaway plot (although it will be referenced again later in typical HIMYM awesomeness.) Still I prefer the funny episode with a more compelling character story, and more Barney being awesome.

Season 2 Episode 4: Ted Mosby, Architect.


Season 1: 2
Season 2: 2

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