Thursday, November 11, 2010

HIMYM Episode Review: Season 2 Episode 13 : Columns

Ted deals with being a boss, and his former boss turned employee being insubordinate. He resolves to fire Hammond, but can't due to it being his birthday, and later the two seemingly make up when Ted finds out Hammond is living in the office. Ted allows Hammond to stay with him, but Hammond continues to be an ass. Ted fires Hammond, who has a heart attack. Ted's employees are resentful at Ted, until he comes up with Margarita Fridays to placate them.

Meanwhile the gang finds a painting of a nude Marshall and make fun of him. Barney however asks Lily to paint him, and he gives her enough money to pay for her honeymoon. Lily however, paints him with a "Ken doll."

Bryan Cranston plays Hammond again in this episode. I really like him as an actor. He was in Malcolm in the Middle, and Breaking Bad, both are excellent shows. We also get an explanation for why Lily was painting Marshall nude, that doesn't fit with later continuity.

A funny episode, and it's nice to see Ted having his work drama.Him struggling to deal with Hammond, and Hammond acting like a douche was the highlight of the episode.  I thought the episode was okay, but it didn't overwhelm me. The Barney plot was pretty par for the course, of him trying to live up to his self proclaimed "legendary" status. Fun to see, and I felt like he was in character here, but he wasn't shining so to speak. We get a flashback to College Marshall and Lily, but it was just to setup a joke. I prefer when the joke is the actual flashback, because they were hilarious when they were in college. I also don't feel like Robin really had a story in this episode. HIMYM works best when everyone in the episode has a plot, and a character motivation.

6 out of 10.

Season Comparison: Season One vs. Season Two: "Drumroll, Please" vs. "Columns"
Columns is an average HIMYM episode, that was very funny, but nothing out of the oridinary. Drumroll, Please was an episode that was very sweet, fun to watch, and used some clever non linear storytelling. It also ended with a very dramatic and romantic kiss. There's a reason most movies end with a kissing scene, it's a great way to end an episode. Columns was probably the funnier episode, but I prefer Drumroll, Please for the cute and sappy nature of the episode.

Winner: Season 1 Episode 13: Drumroll, Please


Season 1: 6

Season 2: 8

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