Monday, November 15, 2010

HIMYM Episode Reviews: Season 2 Episode 17: Arrivederci, Fiero


On the way to putting 200,000 miles on his Fiero, Marshall's car breaks down. He takes it to the shop to be fixed while everyone retells their favorite stories about the old car. Ted and Marshall became best friends during the 100 K Fiasco, of Fieroasco, where they got snowed in together. Lily and Robin became best friends, when they spilled food in Marshall's car and made it look like a hobo threw up in it. Barney sort of learned to drive in the Fiero.

In the end, Marshall realizes he has to scrap the Fiero, even though it was all he was holding on to as he begins to sell out.

This is the end of the Fiero in official chronology, however it will appear in flashbacks. We see how Ted and Marshall became best friends, and what solidified Lily and Robin's friendship. We also find out Barney doesn't know how to drive. However, either he later learns how, or this is retconned by the next episode.

I love that this story is told through various flashbacks. I just love seeing past Marshall and Ted. And I love the song that plays throughout. I also like that Barney doesn't know how to drive, and I dislike the fact that they later retconned this. It was a nice little quirk that made sense. And it's always fun to see Barney fail. My favorite part of the whole episode was actually the Robin and Lily part, where they reference Pulp Fiction while cleaning up Marshall's car. Well crafted joke involving the chopsticks replacing the cuban cigars. Well done writers.

9 out of 10.

Season Comparison: Season 1 vs. Season 2: "Life Among the Gorrillas" vs. "Arrivederci, Fiero"

Both Marshall episodes. Sometimes I wonder if the writers try to line up the seasons so that at the same number episode the same character is featured, or the same type of character arc is shown. Idle curiosity I guess. Season 1 and Season 2 both are pretty much equal at this point, because by this point Season 1 had found its stride. Life Among the Gorillas was pretty good, and set up a very nice two parter. Fiero on the otherhand breaks up what would seem like a natural two parter in Stuff and Moving Day. I feel like the writers like to throw sort of "filler" episodes in between the bigger arcs. Maybe just to take up time and fill out the season. And maybe to take the opportunity for humor when we're expecting drama. And maybe just to piss us off. However I'm anything but pissed. Fiero was a delightful episode. Kudos to a good Marshall episode, where Barney didn't steal the show. I feel like the writers sometimes rely on Barney too often. The other characters are just as funny when used properly.

Season 2 Episode 17: Arrivederci Fiero


Season 1: 8

Season 2: 10

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