The show starts with the guys hanging out at a coffee shop, which they agree is lame. Marhall is attracted to a one of the barristas, and he gets her phone number to ask her out. Meanwhile Barney discovers that they miswrote his name on the cup as Swarley.
Everyone spends the rest of the episode calling Barney Swarley.
Meanwhile Marshall goes out with the coffee chick, only to find out from Ted and Barney that she has crazy eyes. He grows suspiscious when she calls him to tell him she's being stalked by a hunchback. However their date is interrupted by Lily, who crazily stalked her. Marshall realizes that Lily was the stalking hunchback. He doesn't care though, as he loves her and they get back together.
Barney walks into the bar, and they play the Cheers theme song.
Phase One of Season Two is over, as Marshall and Lily are back together. Phase Two has two couples, Marshall/Lily, and Ted/Robin. It actually goes on for quite a while. This episode also pays homage to two classic sticoms, Friends and Cheers.
An amazing episode. I'm glad to see Lily and Marshall get back together, and I think the way the writers did it was brilliant. All the Swarles jokes were also very funny. My favorite was Swarhili. I also loved the references to Friends and Cheers as HIMYM has always seemed like a hybrid of those two shows. My only concern with this episode is that everyone's too couply now. It puts a big burden on the writers to make both relationships remain fun and exciting.
9 out of 10.
Season Comparison: Season 1 vs. Season 2: "Matchmaker" vs. "Swarley"
Well Matchmaker was a lot funnier this last time around. The cockamouse was very amusing, and that episode did establish Marshall and Lily's belief in the supernatural. But Matchmaker was not as good as Swarley. Swarley really had everything. Some great story development, some funny effects with the crazy eyes, and most importantly an awesome new nickname for Barney.
Season 2 Episode 7: Swarley
Season 1: 3
Season 2: 4
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