I accidentally filed How Lily Stole Christmas as the 10th episode of the season. Sorry for any confusion.
Barney tries to get his friends to hang out with him, but they are too couply, and just want to lie around. He calls in his gay black brother (Wayne Brady) to show them how it's done. However he finds out that his brother is getting married, which pisses him off until he finds out that his brother is going to have a baby. He becomes Uncle Barney, and is happy to not be alone.
A flashback to the future shows Ted and Robin staying out late, showing that they now have Single Stamina since they've broken up in the future. We also get to find out Barney has a brother, who will be a recurring character throughout the series. This episode marks the epitome of the Second Phase of Season Two for me. There are two couples in the show, and everyone except Barney is outside of the dating scene. This can grow tiresome, and this episode pokes fun at that very fact.
A really enjoyable episode. I love seeing Barney vulnerable here. His friends have become so couply, and in doing so they have seemingly abandoned him. However when he is happy, just to become an uncle, it is clear that all his previous attacks on his friends and brother's relationships was just about him feeling alone. As for everyone else in the group, they all act boring, but surprisingly them acting boring is actually very entertaining to watch. I also loved Marshall's rant about not being able to order "fruity" drinks. And really, the fruity drinks are far tastier then the "manly" ones.
7.5 out of 10.
Season Comparison: Season 1 vs. Season 2. "The Pinapple Incident" vs. "Single Stamina"
Pineapple Incident has to win here, although Single Stamina is good, Pineapple Incident is better. It's one of the classic HIMYM episodes, that I think of when I consider how good HIMYM is. It's iconic to the whole series. And even now, we still don't know what the hell was up with that pineapple.
Winner: Season 1 Episode 10: The Pineapple Incident
Season 1: 4
Season 2: 7
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